Top 15 Halloween 2010 Celebrity Costumes

Halloween 2010 is here and if you're anything like us you love to dress up and you hate to dress up. You're quietly agonizing about what to be while simultaneously finding a way to avoid pinning yourself down to a specific costume. Do you go sexy, funny, topical, obscure, retro?!!! Bah! The idea of wearing the wrong thing to school, work, that Halloween party or even trick-or-treating is enough to cause Paranormal Activity 2 type nightmares!

We know that these are big decisions and we're here to help you sort it out before it gets too late and you end up wearing that Shrek outfit from three to seven years, hiss. (Seriously, don't.)

Dressing as a celebrity, and even better as a celebrity newsmaker, is always going to be a hit as long as the news is fresh, people are still into the celeb and you pull it off properly. Here are 15 celebrities you can be this year and be confident in your decision.

1. Justin Bieber

Necessary supplies:

-->Bieber hair
-->White pants, white jacket, white kicks, purple hooded sweatshirt
-->A headset or hand held microphone

Put your hand to your chest many times througout the night while you earnestly serenade the laideez.
Jump-kick some poor dude in the gut
(Justin Bieber photos by Larry Busacca/Getty Images)

2. Katy Perry on Sesame Street

Necessary supplies:

-->Yellowish green bustier/figure skating dress
-->Bridal veil with pastel-colored paper flowers
-->Silver necklace with bow pendant
-->Diamond stud earrings
-->Pink lipstick

Carry an Elmo doll and make LOTS of sad, pouty faces

3. Mark Zuckerberg

Necessary supplies:

-->Super boring clothes, specifically: Black zip-up fleece, charcoal grey t-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers
-->Short, curly haircut

MarkZuckerberg2Bonus points:
If someone asks you a question, sweat profusely from your forehead and awkwardly remove your fleece jacket
(Mark Zuckerberg photos by Sean Gallup/Getty Images for Burda Media)

4. Taylor Swift

Necessary supplies:

-->Long, blonde spiral curls with a side part (alternatively, her famous updo, in 2nd pic below)
-->Spaghetti strap or strapless super girly dress - fitted at top, flowy from waist down, hitting mid-calf

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Bonus points
When you run into your douchey ex, you're prepared, guitar in hand, to sing a song you wrote that calls him out on his douchiness.
(Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

5. The Jersey Shore kids (we're not 100% geeked on this because tons of kidz are going to be going as Snooki, The Situation, JWoww and Pauley D, but these costumes are now or never. Might as well revel in it's insane absurdity on Halloween!)

Necessary supplies:

-->Costumes, available at every costume store everywhere
-->Ron Ron Juice in a red Solo cup



Bonus points
Get in a fight. Hook up with your best friend's boyfriend or girlfriend. Get arrested. Clean the police station for your community service.

6. Lady Gaga (sure to be just as ubiquitous as the Jersey Shore costumes, but a little more respectable because we know you're going to be hella uncomfortable all night...and she's actually cool)

Necessary supplies:

-->Go pro on this one, you don't want to look like Rachel Berry in a stuffed animal dress.
-->Raspy voice
-->A talented friend who can do your makeup or get a makeup tutorial online.

(Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)


Bonus points
Make it through the entire night sans blisters or boobs popping out.

Wear a Gaga outfit that's actually from 2010 and skip the meat dress.

7. Shia LaBeouf throwing coffee on a paparazzi

Necessary supplies:

-->Red t-shirt
-->Grey skinny jeans
-->Grey sneakers
-->Navy blue backpack
-->Starbucks Venti strong blend (to get you all sorts of irritable)

Bonus points
Throw the contents of your Starbucks cup on anyone you see with a camera.

8. Lindsay Lohan in court with Scram bracelet

Necessary supplies:

-->Blonde scraggly hair
-->Faux tan
-->Red eyes
-->White jacket
-->Black shirt
-->Black skirt
-->Scram bracelet on your ankle

Bonus points
Cry, laugh, hide your face and generally react inappropriately all night long
Lilo4 Lilo5 Lilo2
(Lindsay Lohan photos by David McNew/Getty Images)

9. Zach Galifianakis

Necessary supplies:

-->Scruffy hair
-->Bushy eyebrows
-->Plaid (non-flannel) shirt
-->Pillow for your belly
-->Unwieldy and slightly obstinate behavior

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

(Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)
Bonus points
Any time you sit down with someone interview and tickle them inappropriately like on 'Between Two Ferns'

10. Betty White

Necessary supplies:

-->Q-tip wig
-->Magenta or coral colored lipstick
-->Drapey pantsuit
-->Kitten heels
-->Older lady padding (saddy tatas)
-->Sweet disposition

(Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)
Bonus points
Unexpectedly turn on the raunch. Sweet old lady one second, foul mouthed sex fiend the next
(Photo by David Livingston/Getty Images)

11. Russell Brand OR Johnny Depp

These two handsome devils share a lot in common, so we're putting them together at #11

Necessary supplies:

-->Shoulder length blackish hair: vurly for Russell, stick straight for Johnny
-->Button down shirt, white or black: sleeves rolled way up and shirt unbuttoned way down for Russell, sleves over the hands and top 2 buttons undone for Johnny
-->Vest: open for Russell, closed for Johnny
-->Skinny scarves and necklaces, preferably monochromatic with the outfit
-->Jeans: Black and tight for Russell, blue and European for Johnny
-->Black boots: Heeled for Russell, flat heel for Johnny
-->Facial hair: neatly trimmed beard for Russell, goatee for Johnny
-->Johnny only: glasses with colored lenses and a hat

(Photo by Florian Seefried/Getty Images)
(Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images)
Bonus points
An all night long British accent, stronger and more Cockney for Russell, subtler and more like Madonna's accent for Johnny

12. Kim Kardashian

Pull this off well and the dudes in your social circle will probably never look at you the same way. We'll let you decide if that's a good thing or not.

Necessary supplies:

-->Long, thick dark hair (or wig)
-->False eyelashes and smokey cat-eye look
-->False tatas
-->False bum
-->Bustier-topped minidress with wide, waist-cinching belt
-->Super high heels (not stripper heels though, be careful about outfit so you don't cross the line to superslut)

(Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for SW)

(Photo by Jacob Andrzejczak/Getty Images)
Bonus points
Find a friend and be Kim and her Madame Tussaud's wax figurine together!
(Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

13. The Old Spice guy - aka Isaiah Mustafa

This costume pulled off properly, like Kim Kardashian, can earn you a whole new vibe in your social group. Boys, for your own sake, please don't attempt if it won't be immediately evident that you are the Old Spice guy.

Necessary supplies:

-->Closely cropped hair
-->Neatly trimmed goatee
-->White pants with tan belt
-->Blue and white striped shirt, tied over your shoulders, preppy-style
-->Old Spice
-->A white pony (a white headed stick pony will suffice)

oldspice2Bonus points
Memorize and be prepared to recite the entire commercial on command

14. Lea Michele and Dianna Agron from GQ

Necessary supplies:

-->Padded push-up bra
-->Tiny, cropped sweater
-->Flared, schoolgirl skirt
-->Knee or ankle socks

Glee Rachel Finn Quinn-8
Bonus points
Find a guy friend, who has NO interest in making out with you, to dress up like Cory Monteith

15. Sad Keanu

If you don't know Sad Keanu, we suggest you do some Googling.

Necessary supplies:

-->Shaggy, but straight brown hair
-->Casual blazer
-->V-neck t-shirt
-->Healthy drink or cupcake
-->Optional: helmet


Bonus points
Bring your own background and be ready to pose with sadface

What are you guys going to be, comment us below and don't forget to follow us for all the latest celebrity juice!