Holiday Vacation in Ancient Lands of Europe, Sardinia Island Italy

Sardinia is one of the most ancient lands in Europe, and the second largest island among the islands in the west Mediterranean Sea compared with Sicilian Island. It is off the west coast line of Italy about two hundred kilometers away and is twelve kilometers away from the Corse island of France which is in the north of it. There are two hundred kilometers away to the African coast. Cagliari is its capital city. In the year of 1861, Victor Emmanuel became the king of Italy. Then Sardinia is part of the unitive Italy.

Sardinia had a famous beautiful coast called Emerald Coast. Sardinia is more like a corner which is oblivious when seen by geography compared with the Sicily and Toscana. But in Europe for centuries until to now, it is loved so much with the royalty and the political figures. On this island full of myrtles and wild thymes, the atmosphere of indifferent to fame and benefit everywhere is specially fit the weary people who are living in the urban.

Testa beach is the first stop of the Emerald Coast. Different from the reefs in dark colors outside of the port, the reefs here, embracing a bay of blue sea water, are of pear lash color. All the sand beaches are made of pure quartz sands.

The blue green sea water is much more sparkling and translucent with the background of the sand beach. It is so like a piece of emerald. Princess Diana and her boyfriend Fayathe once came here for a vacation when they are deeply attached to each other.

People can go to the town of Aranci which is the end point of the Emerald Coast. This small town has a long history as it is built in the Rome times. Here is the famous resort for moon honey in Europe. A lot of couples spend the first few days of their marriage.

There is no railway from Galloula port to the inland and the only public vehicle is the coach. The most marvelous civilization in this island is nuraghi which is a kind of building. It is said that they are built by the local people who are living in prehistoric civilization.

There are about seven thousand taper buildings all over the island. All of tower tines of these buildings are cut. They are all made from basalt from volcano in distance. Between the stones are no seals. That is so extractive that becomes the biggest riddle of ancient civilization in Mediterranean area