Stylish Girls

Stylish Girls Winter Coats and Jackets

With winter rapidly approaching you may be thinking about purchasing a new winter coat or jacket for your girl. There's some great choice available this year that will not only protect your child from winter chills but will also satisfy their need to look good when out and about or with their friends.

Whatever type of coat you are looking for when you start shopping for a winter coat for your girl you should bear in mind a few things first. Make sure the coat you eventually settle on is ok for the climate you live in. If you get a lot of rainfall then buy a coat that is more waterproof than others. If your climate turns very cold during the winter and you get a lot of snow or chilly winds then buy a coat that offers more protection against the cold. Ok with that out of the way what's available this year in terms of stylish girls winter coats?

Well one type of winter jacket or coat that always looks fashionable is a wool coat. These coats usually come in a three quarter length rather than a full length or waist style jacket and this is more practicle for girls as they can't always cope with full length coats. Wool coats are excellent at keeping out the cold winds of winter and have some great designs. This season you can find wool winter coats both with and without hoods. Again consider your climate as a hood offers excellent protection against not only the rain but also wind. If you really don't want a hood on your wool coat then there are plenty available with detachable hoods so this compromise is the best of both worlds. Wool coats look great with plaid designs on them and are suitable for almost any occasion looking stylish whilst keeping your girl warm.

Another popular style of girls winter coat this season is the quilted coat. These tend to be slightly shorter than most wool coats and end around the waist or hips. A quilted coat will usually cost less than a good quality wool coat but can still be found with stylish prints. Again a lot of quilted girls coats come with hoods, both detachable and fixed, so are great in this respect as well.

If your climate is very wet and there is a lot of rainfall then consider a full raincoat for your girl. These offer excellent protection against the wind and rain but aren't necessarily as stylish as wool or quilted coats. The internet is a great place to see the different styles of raincoat available and a little searching can quickly bring some great choices.

5 Style Mistakes Even Smart Girls Make

We all make mistakes when it comes to fashion – that’s part of how you learn what not to do. That said, whether it’s due to laziness, misinformation, or just habit, there are some style mistakes that even the most fashion-forward girls seem to make at one point or another.

The following bad fashion habits could really be limiting your style. Read up on five of the most common fashion mistakes and learn a few tips on how to correct them below.

* 1. Waiting until the last minute to try new pieces on with your existing wardrobe.

The scenario: You go out shopping and find a fabulous top you love. Score! When you get home, you hang your new purchase in your closet and forget about it until it’s time to get ready to go somewhere, when you realize you don’t know what to pair it with. After a mad scramble, you give up trying to wear it because you’re already late enough as it is.

Why it’s a mistake: New outfit combinations don’t create themselves. If you want to get the most wardrobe bang for your buck, you have to try new things on with as much of your old stuff as possible!

Next time you go shopping, resist the urge to just hang a new item up in your closet immediately. Instead, take a few minutes to try your new piece on with things you already own. That way, you’ll know what outfits work and which don’t, avoiding the last minute rush to find something to wear.

* 2. Striving for a clothing color palette to rival a jumbo box of Crayolas.

The scenario: You’re a one-of-those-in-every-color kind of girl. Once you find a top thats flattering and inexpensive, you immediately buy it up in all the shades it comes in. Instead of worrying about which colors are the best for YOU, you simply want to diversify your closet, owning as many colorful options as possible.

Why it’s a mistake: I used to shop like this too, I won’t lie. You think you’re creating a versatile wardrobe when really you’re wasting money on things that don’t suit you.

The truth is, though, owning a top in every color is useless, because NO ONE, not even flawless models can pull off every color in the rainbow! You only need to buy colors that A. look good on you, B. work with the rest of your wardrobe, and C. reflect your personal style. So I know it’s tempting to buy that orange shirt in the off chance someday you’ll need to wear something orange, but here’s a hint: that day is not going to come. Just back away and buy something that works for you.

If you’re not sure what colors work for you, check out my article How to Find Your Perfect Colors.

* 3. Letting imaginary flaws dictate what you “can” or “can’t” wear.

The scenario: You’re browsing The Fashion Spot when you see an outfit you LOVE on Kate Moss – it’s fun, fresh, unique, and SO your taste. You’d love to rock something similar but then you think to yourself “I could never wear that. My hips/thighs/breasts/ankles/insert-body-parts-here are WAY too large to make it work.” You forget the entire thing and vow to dress the way you want to once you lose 10 lbs.

Why it’s a mistake: While Kate Moss may be genetically superior to us mere mortals, there is no reason we can’t take any look she wears and make it work for us normal-sized ladies. An example of this is the skinny jeans trend. So many women with hips thought they couldn’t wear skinnies, not realizing that pulling them off is all in the cut and wash. All it takes is the time and effort to find that perfect pair, and anyone can pull them off.

So the next time you find yourself saying “I could never wear that”, stop. You can wear whatever you want – you just need to be creative and find a way to interpret that look so it’ll work for you. For more on dressing your body type, see Fashion For Your Body Shape: The Basics.

* 4. Using color as a crutch.

The scenario: You know what colors work for you, or at least you think you do. You pretty much stick to the same three or four shades to keep things simple. After all, it’s not difficult to make your outfit match when everything you own is red, white, or black.

Why it’s a mistake: Now there’s nothing wrong with owning lots of black for example, but way too many women base their entire wardrobes around it. Even when you’re trying to save money, a basic wardrobe devoid of anything dramatic or interesting is boring!

Don’t be scared of possibly mismatching (rules like “never wear navy and black” are outdated anyway!) – just have fun and add a little more diversity to your wardrobe. After all, it’s better to make mistakes and learn from them than play it so safe that you’re boring. Live a little!

For more information on adding color to your wardrobe, see 10 Easy Ways to Wear Color.

* 5. Letting yourself get into “uniform mode”.

The scenario: You’re so busy with classes, work and your social life that you pretty much wear the same outfits every day. You have a closet full of stuff but you keep repeating the same clothing combinations over and over. You often find yourself thinking “I have nothing to wear.”

Why it’s a mistake: While everyone does this to some extent (it’s not like we all have hours to spend in our closets), it’s a waste of a perfectly good wardrobe to not mix things up. You have way more options than you think in that closet – all it takes is some time and effort to come up with new looks!

Spend some time with your wardrobe each weekend – try things on, test out new combinations, and find unique ways to wear things you already own. Also, don’t be scared to wear things in unintended ways. A bandeau dress could become a high-waisted skirt, a scarf could become a belt, or a necklace could be worn as a cool headband. There are so many possibilities that there’s no excuse to let yourself get into a rut.

One Day from Life of a Stylish Girl

A friend of mine is a very stylish and glamorous girl. She is always so fab and cool and amazing. I can’t take my eyes off her, she always manages to find really brilliant outfits and combines incredible things and unexpected accessories. I love the way she creates her ensembles since she is always impeccably stylish, a real icon and an example to follow. According to her, there should be 3 necessary details in a wardrobe of any stylish girl:
  • expensive designer handbag
Something like Chanel 2.55 or Lady Dior will be OK. Such bags show status and the most important point they belong to classic style that never dies and changes. You will always look fashionable with such a baggie. She chooses Valentino handbag and namely – Histoire framed tote. No matter what happens, it is always in. Such a bag can cost you a fortune but it is worth every penny you will spend on it!

Valentino tote
  • classic sunglasses
Of course, you can buy super trendy sunglasses every season but you should have only one very expensive glasses to compliment any look and style, that can be worn on any occasion. For example, Ray Ban wayfarer. I know, they look a bit awkward but that is the idea behind these sunglasses, they are hot, provocative and always fashionable.
  • shoes
You should think of sexy, elegant, comfy and reliable pair. A friend of mine chooses Giuseppe Zanotti sandals from patent leather.
Cute shoes

Girl's Dress Coats - Many Styles For Stylish Girls

Girl's dress coats don't need to sacrifice flair for warmth. They instead can be both sophisticated and sensible, while maintaining a childish sense of style.

Most recent trends feature animal prints, faux shearlings and, of course, various shades of pink. If you want to ensure your little fashionista will be warm during frigid winter weather, opt for a coat made of wool. A polyester lining will keep her from feeling itchy when sporting a wool coat.

Another option is a fur lined or completely faux fur coat. This variety of girls dress coats will keep a little girl quite toasty. This stylish outerwear comes in everything from neutral shades to bright, exciting colors and patterns.

On the other hand, more conservative types might favor classic style girls dress coats. These coats sometimes are long, tweed pieces, which remind many of the fashions of the early 20th century.

Matching accessories are a must for girls dress coats. A hat, scarf and gloves or mittens in a shade that contrasts the coat's color complements an ensemble. Many stores display matching winter accessories just beside the coats.

Furthermore, when searching for a girls coat, remember to consider how fast your girl is growing. If she seems to be experiencing a growth spurt, then opting for a less expensive coat would be your best bet. Corky and Company coats particularly offer generous room and cuffed sleeves for growing girls.

Topping off a little girl's formal outfit with a cute girls dress coat is the icing on the cake. Perhaps you've seen how unkempt a special occasion dress appears under a puffy jacket. With so many options available in a plethora of styles at reasonable prices, every girl should have a dress coat in her closet.

How to be stylish on a budget without spending too much money

With the credit crunch upon us, the female dilemma is how to stay fashionable on a budget. You can do so by trying out some fashion tips that let you show your fashion sense but also keeps you within a budget. Believe it or not, to be fashionable, you need not spend a fortune; you can be fashionable even within a limited budget.

The cheapest way to look fashionable is to wear matching accessories with your outfits to give an instant different look. Accessories like earrings, beaded necklaces and bracelets are easily available at cheap prices. Buy accessories that can go with multiple colour dresses.

Get fashion magazines see what's in fashion now. Make a list of the details in the original and then go to regular shops (not brands) and pick some clothes that match your finds. But first check what you already have in your wardrobe. Make sure that you can wear every item on that list with at least 3 other garments in your wardrobe to achieve new looks. This will ensure maximum price per wear for every item you buy.

When you enter a shop, look around. Identify your budget and a list of what you actually need before hitting the shops. DO NOT go shopping without a list as you can easily lose focus and convince yourself that you something that you don't.

Do not get fake knock off designer brands as it shows that they are fake. They can be spotted from a mile away and really cheapen your image.

Plain neutral coloured shirts, a good pair of flattering jeans, simple knee-length skirts, simple jackets and a good quality handbag are examples of wardrobe staples that will never go out of style. The idea should be to build up your wardrobe by spending more on great staples that will last and use cheaper shops for this seasons fashion updates. Cheap clothing shops have a place in every woman's wardrobe. However, it should not consume the entire wardrobe! Cheap clothing shops are great for updating your look quickly and cheaply. However in order to remain looking chic, they need to be mixed and matched with quality items. Because the cheap clothes often lack quality, this means they won't look great after been worn a few times.

Women who look after their clothes always look more stylish and groomed. Look after your clothes by reading and following the washing labels. They are there for a reason so stick to them. Dry clean as little as possible as it can strip fabrics of their natural sheen. Iron and hang garments up properly. Everything should be ready to wear that's hanging in your wardrobe. All your clothes will remain looking new for so much longer and look more expensive.

Get your money's worth and get your money back. eBay is a great source for buying and selling clothes. You can always find great deals if you search around, and if you take good care of your own clothes, you'll find a market for them as well.
If you find something you like in a designer shop, look online and see if you can get a cheaper price by buying it from the designer directly.

Go through your wardrobe and check each item. Could it be updated with a little sewing? Does it need shortening or straightening? Does it need new buttons or ribbon? Add some embellishments to bring it up to date? Repair those broken stitches and fallen hems.

Organize your friends and have a clothes swapping party. Get your friends and all their friends to bring along the clothes they don't wear, no longer fit or don't know why they bought and have a rummage! Include shoes and handbags. Add a few bottles of wine and enjoy a girl's night in together.

Stylish Women's Watches For Formal Occasions

When dressing for a formal event it is important to accessorize appropriately. Over the top or overly casual accessories may send the wrong message or make you feel out of place. Making sure your accessories match the tone of your outfit is an important if seemingly minor consideration. In the past women have often forgone wearing watches to formal events, but that is no longer necessary as today there are several options for beautiful and appropriately formal watches. If you choose to wear a watch for your formal event there are three ways you can go with your watch; jewelry, statement and subdued. Once you have decided on which of the three you want to go with there are several options to choose from.

Jewelry watches are exactly what they sound like; jewelry pieces that have watch faces on them. Jewelry pieces range from bracelets that are indistinguishable from regular charm bracelets save for the extra charm with a watch face to almost regular looking watches that just happen to be on fancier bands. Certain watchbands may be, for example, a chain of hearts or circles attached to a regular watch. These watches, while slightly dressier than a normal watch, can quite easily be dressed down if you wish to wear them at a later time to a less formal event. When purchasing a jewelry watch you should attempt to match the bracelet part of the watch to the other jewelry you plan on wearing - if you wear lots of gold earrings you may want o avoid silver watchbands.

If you decide to go with a jewelry watch you must also decide if you want to wear it as a complementary piece to your other jewelry or alone. Either way works, though if you plan on matching it to a signature piece of jewelry, say a necklace or pair of earrings, you then need to make sure that the watch will complement your other pieces and not clash with them.

If you decide to go with a statement watch you will need to match your jewelry with your watch instead of the other way. For example, if you purchase a slightly larger dress watch with an interesting pattern on the watchband and a distinct color on the watch face you will want to make sure that your other jewelry is subtle and does not draw attention away from the statement your watch is making. Furthermore, it is quiet acceptable to wear little other jewelry when you chose to have your watch make your fashion statement.

Statement watches may be harder to dress down at a later time, as they often draw attention and, as the name suggests, make a statement. If you are looking for a watch for a formal occasion that you can wear at other times as well you may want to stay away from purchasing a statement watch. Certain statement watches will be able to be paired with, say, jeans and a tee or with business casual clothing, but you have to consider what occasions your watch will be appropriate for when purchasing your new timepiece.

The final type of watch that you can wear when attending a formal event is a subtle or subdued watch. These watches are the easiest to dress down, as they usually consist of a simple band and face. When wearing a subdued timepiece you must still match your other accessories in terms of color and style - a gold watch does not go well with a silver necklace, no matter how subtle the watch may be. Unlike jewelry watches, however, the subtle or subdued fancy watches require complementary jewelry far more often. Subtle watches are often smaller than jewelry or statement watches and may be better suited to certain people.

Subdued watches offer a classic and sleek look for more traditional women or events. Because of their classic looks they are easy to pair with jeans and a tee or even a business casual outfit and therefore can be worn for almost any occasion.

When shopping for a watch to wear to your next formal occasion remember that today there are more options than ever before. No matter the message you want to send or the outfit you plan to wear there is a formal watch option for you. Jewelry watches can make for interesting pieces, especially if you do not plan on wearing many other accessories. Statement watches are a fun and funky way to express yourself in a formal way. Subtle or subdued watches give a more classic look and feel and can be worn with a dressed down outfit for everyday use. Gone are the days of having to rely on others to keep the time at formal events. Whatever your personality, and whatever statement you want to make at your next formal event there is a watch for you!

Stylish Girl is a fashionista's dream come true

It is clear that the designers of Stylish Girl are passionate about fashion. This chic app has everything a coordinated fashionista would want.

I cataloged my closet, created outfits (including accessories and han dbags!), and scanned the app for missing pieces to add to my fall wish list.

If I was jetting off to Ibiza, Spain, on a whim and had little time to pack, well, I wouldn't have any worries with Stylish Girl in my Juicy Couture handbag. After cataloging my closet, I can virtually pack from work using the suitcase function. Now, if only Stylish Girl would send somebody over to actually pack my suitcase.

The Fashion District function allows you to shop by clothing, accessories, jewelry, shoes and bags. Plus, with articles such as "Will I ever find jeans that fit me?" and "Workchic on the street," I might never need to buy Vogue again.

If you love clothes, you'll love this app.