Solestruck + Jeffrey Campbell = La Isla Bonita

It's been a few months since I first discovered the sheer magic of Jeffrey Campbell [My New Obsession: Jeffrey Campbell 99 Tie Mint Suede Wedges]. I remember the day perfectly. It was back when I was still obsessed with all things mint green, including Doe Deere's Limecrime shade. I was wandering aimlessly through SoHo, and by some miracle, I ended up at LF. Of course, I just had to go in. And that's when I saw them -- the 99 Tie. I tried them on, and I was awestruck. I went home that afternoon and blogged about them, but somehow I never ended up buying them. I guess they're "the pair that got away."
Fast forward about five months, and I'm now completely obsessed with everything Jeffrey Campbell. [Except the Lita. I never really liked it as much as everyone else...] I now check Solestruck literally everyday, praying that they will somehow, someday receive more of the 99 Tie in Lavender (its much more standout that the mint, and much more practical for city life!) From Nightwalk, to Skate, to Tardy, I love them all!
So, as the MAJOR Jeffrey Campbell and Solestruck fan that I am, I was insanely excited to see the new La Isla Bonita photoshoot in my inbox, which consists of NEW JC styles for winter! [You can pre-order the looks on Solestruck here.] Each piece is honestly incredible. I've displayed my favorite looks below. Enjoy!